What is a Homeowner's Association (HOA)?
A Homeowner's Association is a legal corporation, non-profit organization of which is to manage a common interest real estate development. The HOA is comprised of owners of property in the development. With the purchase of a home, the new owner automatically becomes a member of the homeowners association and remains so for as long as you own your home. Membership in the association is mandatory and automatic for all owners. An HOA's major purpose is to maintain and provide community facilities and services for the common enjoyment of the residents.
What is the purpose of a Board of Directors?
An Association is a non-profit corporation. The Board has a fiduciary responsibility to the community to run the business of the corporation. The governing body (or Board of Directors) of the HOA is responsible for the management of all aspects of the association. It may delegate the management of its activities to other persons or businesses, such as a community management service, but it must retain ultimate control. The board's powers and duties normally include such things as:
Enforcing provisions of the declaration, articles and bylaws for the ownership and management of the development
Paying taxes and assessments that are, or could become, a lien on the common area
Contracting for insurance on behalf of the association
Contracting for goods or services for the common areas or for the association
Delegating its powers to any committees, officers or employees of the association authorized by the governing documents
Preparing budgets and financial statements for the association
Formulating rules of operation for the common areas and facilities
Conducting disciplinary proceedings against members of the association for violations of the rules
Who can be on the Board of Directors?
The Board of Directors are members, like yourself, in good standing, that are elected by the membership.
How do I contact my Community Manager or Board of Directors?
You have plenty of options on how to contact your Community Manager. You can call your Community Manager at (702) 458-2580 for the Las Vegas office and (702) 345-2200 for the Mesquite office, during the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday. You can email your Community Manager if you know their individual email or by going to Home-Our Staff on the sidebar. Last, you can send a letter to 8595 S. Eastern Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89123 or 736 W. Pioneer Blvd. #200, Mesquite, NV 89027. Your Board of Directors can be reached through your Community Manager.
What are Assessments?
Assessments are an amount determined as payable to the Association by Members for the HOA's operations and maintenance expenses.
What are Special Assessments?
Special Assessments are made for capital improvements or for other purposes, such as replenishing a reserve fund that was spent on unexpected maintenance projects.
How do I obtain a copy of my Association Governing Documents?
Please visit HOA Resale Docs on the sidebar of our website.
How do I change my personal/contact information?
You can change your information a few different ways. You can log into your account under Member Login on our sidebar, you can also go to Contact on our sidebar or mail in a request to change 8595 S. Eastern Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89123.